The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey through which adults become members of the Catholic Church. Full membership involves a formation process where adults prepare to commit themselves to Jesus Christ and his Church by seeking the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).
During this journey, each adult who is seeking to join our faith community is introduced to sacred Scripture, the teachings of the Catholic Church, the sacraments, and the liturgical life of the Church. They are also introduced to and invited to be involved in the community and apostolic works of the parish.
RCIA takes place within the context of the parish community and, after a period of formation, the process reaches its high point wutg the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.
God calls you and you respond. Men and women at various stages of their faith journey come together in a welcoming, relaxing and friendly atmosphere to learn more about the Catholic Church.
The RCIA provides an environment for shared spiritual growth and a means to explore and ask questions about the Catholic Church within a faith community.
RCIA sessions meet from mid-September until mid-May on Sunday mornings from approximately 10:00 am until 12:00 pm.
If you feel that God is calling you to learn more about the Catholic Church, please contact John Livingston, Director of Evangelization and Adult Faith Formation, or 314-822-1347 x3004.
O God, we thank you for planting the gift of faith in human hearts.
We thank you for sending Jesus, Your Son, as the fullness of your
love. May His life and mission lead us to share in your divine life.
Today, we ask you to bless in a special way all inquirers,
catechumens and candidates who have generously responded to the
invitation of Jesus: “Come follow me.” Help them to persevere in their
journey of faith despite any difficulties. Bless those who minister
through the RCIA process so that under the guidance of your Holy
Spirit, they may lead others to a life of faith in Jesus Christ. Grant
that all parishioners will take an active role in bringing new members into the Church.
Call us all to a renewal of our faith and inspire us to
be your light in the world. We ask this through your
Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.