St. Peter Library Mission Statement: To fulfill our duty to evangelize, by bringing the Good News of Jesus through books, to the people of St. Peter parish.
The parish library has been a tradition at St. Peter since 1968. It has evolved and grown over the years to be the wonderful facility it is today. We have almost 3000 books in over 30 different categories. The support from the pastors and parishioners over the years has allowed the library to thrive and be recognized by the Catholic Library Association.
The library is located in Ursuline Hall. Whenever Ursuline Hall is open the library is available to check out books. There is an alphabetical by author catalogue on the desk. By looking up the author it will list their books and which section they are located. If you don't know the author you can just browse through the section for the category you are interested in. The list of categories is posted in several spots around the library. The materials on the shelves are available for self-checkout with the instructions posted on the desk. We request the books be returned after a period of three weeks. They can be returned by placing them in the basket outside the door to the library. There is also a reference section that contains materials that may not be taken from the library but used for resource and study purposes in the library.