The Bible says we are to care for the poor and feed the hungry. At St. Peter Parish, one of the ways we are committed to this mission is our beautifully constructed Blessing Box which sits on Clay, between Jefferson & Argonne. You can help support our mission by keeping the box stocked with the following items:
Soups, Ramen Noodles, Tuna Packets, Hamburger Helper, Rice Dish Packets, Apple Sauce, Fruit Roll-Ups, Granola Bars, Mac & Cheese, Snack Mixes, Canned Vegetables, Beef Jerky, Cereal, Baking Supplies, Feminine Care Products, Deodorant, Tooth Brush/Paste, New Socks (Non-perishables in good condition only).
Drop by anytime to place your donations in the box or choose a slot on the Sign Up Genius using the button below.
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.
- Matthew 25:35